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Gibraltar is awash with history; indeed, the Gibraltar Nature Reserve is a treasure trove of ancient monuments, scars from long ago battles and feats of engineering that would make the Romans proud.

It has always been a symbol of strength, whether from its mythical origins where Hercules split the strait or as an indomitable and unbreakable bastion of Britishness. The latter visible through the many fortifications around Gibraltar and throughout the Nature Reserve. The Reserve itself has numerous military batteries built from the early 18th century to the late 20th. Subterranean cities, fortresses built into the limestone and more roads inside the Rock than out make the Nature Reserve a unique and spectacular place to visit.

The Moorish Castle is a visible testament to Gibraltar’s strategic importance and their reign of the Iberian Peninsula, while sites such as Charles V wall date back to Spanish occupation and relentless assaults by Turkish pirates.

During your visit be sure to take in everything, you never know what story is waiting to be uncovered around the next bend.

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